About Earth India Naturals
In our search for Originality we get reminded of our Nativity.
The Siddha manuscripts divulge the preparation of several thousand medicines with numerous variations and applications – a humongous materia medica that does any Indian proud. Having said that, choosing the right preparation has always remained a challenge! This is where experience steps in and saves the day. Traditional Siddha practitioners have the backing of a long line of lineage. And in comparison the academic Siddha doctors carry the strength of organized standardized knowledge. Both streams have spent years competing with each other.
At Earth India Naturals a group of Academic Siddha doctors and Traditional Siddha practitioners have come together to break unspoken boundaries and pool together their knowledge and varied experience toward reviving traditional preparation of certain lost and forgotten Siddha medicines and make these unique ancient preparations available and accessible to all physicians and practitioners. Backed by sheer determination to manifest this vision the product range at EIN has a commendable variability and stands proud of its versatility.
Today’s market offers a wide variety of Siddha medicines of which most are commonly known variants. Earth India Naturals wishes to state by example how Siddha medicine extends far beyond, by introducing into society, a unique product range. The manufacturing and production process of these medicines is strictly traditional and the concepts hail from ancient Siddha Lineage. This, combined with the vitality of the upcoming generation and the clinical and traditional experience of academic and traditional physicians has created a platform rich in knowledge at Earth India.